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Exuberant Delving into the Roots of Being

In this article, I delve into a profound philosophical inquiry: the nature and essence of the Source of existence. This is not an exhaustive analysis but a reflective exploration of my thoughts on this enigmatic concept.

The Enigma of the Source as a Tangible Entity

When we delve into the question of the Source of existence, we are confronted with a central inquiry: Is it possible for the Source to be a tangible entity? If we consider the Source as a physical thing, we are inevitably faced with the perplexing query of its origin. Who or what is the creator of this Being or entity that we term as the Source? This line of thought leads us into a spiraling inquiry about the genesis of the genesis, a seemingly unanswerable conundrum. It is an unresolved philosophical puzzle that has puzzled humans for ages. Despite our best efforts, we may never be able to unravel the mystery of the Source of existence, and we may have to be content with living in awe of the vast and complex universe that surrounds us.

The Paradox of the Source as an Object

The concept of a Source, as the origin of all, has been debated for centuries. Some believe the Source is an object or a being, while others perceive it as an abstract concept. However, considering the Source as an object or a being raises specific questions about its ultimate status. 

As per standard reasoning, an object presupposes a creator. If the Source is an object, it contradicts the notion that it is the origin of all. How can an object create itself? Could a thing or an object exist as self-manifested without an external creator? This presents a profound and paradoxical dilemma that challenges our conventional understanding.

The idea of an ultimate Source with no external influence or creator is difficult to grasp. It defies the laws of logic and reason. However, many spiritual and philosophical traditions propose that the Source is not an object or a being but rather an abstract concept that transcends the physical world’s limitations.

The Limitation of Human Conceptualization

The Source, whatever it may be, is beyond our human comprehension. It is a force that is so vast and complex that our minds are unable to grasp it fully. Our attempts to understand it through our mental models and conceptualizations only distort the Source’s true nature, reducing it to a mere idea or concept. This is similar to a dog chasing its tail, going around in circles without ever truly getting anywhere. It is an endless pursuit that can never fully reveal the true essence of the Source. Perhaps the only way to truly comprehend it is to let go of our human limitations and embrace the mystery of it all.

The Illusion of Creator and Creation

The idea of creator and creation is a complex one that has been debated for centuries. This dichotomy may not be as clear-cut as we once thought. Some argue that the distinction between the creator and the created is an illusion created by our perceptual and experiential limitations. It’s almost like a matrix, where the line between the observer (self) and the observed (other) is a hypnotic notion, creating the duality of ‘me’ and ‘other.’

To illustrate this concept, we can think of life as a dream. In this dream, the notion of an individual self is merely a character within the broader tapestry of existence. The interactions between individuals and their environment are impressions in this grand scheme. Like in a dream, the notion of self and others is a construct of our perceptions and experiences. We are all part of the same dream, existing within the same tapestry.

Of course, this is a challenging concept to articulate, and there is much debate around the nature of reality and the concept of the self. But it’s an exciting idea to consider, and it may challenge some of our preconceived notions about the nature of existence.

Conclusion: Embracing the Mystery

Throughout human history, there has been a constant quest to understand the Source of existence. From philosophical and spiritual inquiries to scientific and empirical investigations, humans have long sought to uncover the fundamental essence of our existence. However, the more we delve into this inquiry, the more elusive and mysterious the answer seems to become.

The quest to understand the Source of existence invites us into a realm transcending rational thought and tangible comprehension. It urges us to embrace the mystery and accept the limitations of our conceptual frameworks. As we ponder the unfathomable, we find ourselves not closer to definitive answers but deeper into the wonder of existence itself.

The search for the Source of existence is not merely an intellectual pursuit but a profoundly personal and spiritual one. It invites us to explore our beliefs, values, and experiences to seek greater understanding and meaning. It challenges us to confront our fears, doubts, and uncertainties and embrace life’s mystery and uncertainty.

Thank you for joining me on this philosophical journey, and I hope it has sparked a sense of intrigue and contemplation. May we explore the depths of our existence with an open mind and a sense of wonder.

A great book to help you in your spiritual journey is The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Singer.

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